Woah Beauties,

We want to start by saying thank you all for your continued support in these difficult times. We appreciate every single one of you. We would like to ease your mind with the assurance that we are up and operating. 

During this period of uncertainty, we’re taking extra measures to make sure your Woah Waist shopping experience is a safe one. We’ve doubled our cleaning efforts and made gloves and face coverings mandatory for all our staff when they process your orders. 

We know our Woah's are strong people, but staying fit, eating healthy and taking care of your mental health has never been more important, so make sure you’re looking after yourself and your loved ones right now. Also don’t forget we’re here to support you too.

If you ever need to talk, reach out to us on social media. Together our community can jump over any obstacle we face. We’ve got this.

Stay positive, stay safe!

Love 💖